Sunday, October 24, 2010

Worst fall break ever.

Yeah, did I mention this was supposed to be my break?

Friday I literally spent all day grocery shopping and preparing food for a party my roommate Teresa and I were planning to have. Meanwhile, she was away at some animation presentation and was supposed to be back by 6:30 (the party was at 8). She didn't end up getting there until ten minutes before the party started, which meant I ended up doing all the setup and cleaning for the damn thing as well, kindly assisted by an early arrival guest, and didn't get all the work done on my costume that I wanted to. And after all that preparation, only one friend of mine came, even though I invited like 35, 40 people. All the rest of the guests were Teresa's, and more than half of them left after one movie, after which she had the nerve to get annoyed when I wanted to go to bed at 1 instead of staying up till 3.

The next morning I showed up for the 8 a.m. shift a complete zombie, having gotten maybe four hours of sleep due to my inconvenient insomnia. I had a headache that lasted a good 24 hours hours at least (I still can't shake it), and I found out after my shift that if my boss had waited five minutes to call me, there was another guy who actually wanted it and would have taken it.

So I went home to take a nap. Teresa was awake, but I was so tired I didn't stop to chat. I napped for about three hours and got up in time to shower and get a bite to eat before my next desk shift, which was at 4. Teresa was still in the living room watching Dragonball Z or something, and everything from the party was sitting out untouched. I got the uneasy feeling she wasn't planning to do a damn thing about it, but I had to go to work, so I didn't have time to worry about it.

Work was fine, but I really didn't want to go home afterward because I was mad and upset and didn't really feel like dealing with people, so I went to the secondhand bookstore instead and poked around in there for a bit. It made my headache worse, since the place was so dusty, but I did find a couple of cool things, the gem of which was a cast-off t-shirt from a defunct Rocky Horror cast called the Hoosier Horrors. It had a drawing of the lips logo on the front, a pretty well-done fabric paint portrait of Frank on the back, and said "I Lost My Virginity At the Vogue" in drippy red letters.

After that I went to Qdoba, got a quesadilla and read some Harry Potter. (I'm trying to re-read the entire series before the next movie comes out.) Then I had to go home finally, because I had to get at least one load of laundry done before bed or I'd have no clean underwear.

Lo and behold, when I got home, Teresa wasn't there. She never tells me when she goes anywhere, and it was kind of a relief not to have to talk to her at that point in time, but it made me wonder if she'd just gone home for the weekend - and yes, the party aftermath was still untouched. I covered the cupcakes and put away the punch, since I actually cared about keeping those leftovers, but I left the rest of it alone.

Meanwhile, my guy Paul was having a hard time too. I always hate when both of us are having shit days at the same time, because it means neither of our attempts to cheer up the other person really work very well. I tried to clean up my room a little bit while I was waiting for the laundry to finish, since the chaos of the past couple of days had made it a literal wreck and you couldn't see the floor, but my heart wasn't really in it and my head was killing me. I tried to take a bath in the hopes of improving the headache, which often works, but apparently there was something up with our water heater because I had a sort-of-warm bath instead of a hot one, which helped next to none.

Finally, I went to bed around 11:30 - way earlier than usual, but I had to; I couldn't stay awake another moment. I woke up in the wee hours of the morning for no apparent reason, still with a headache, and couldn't get back to sleep for a good while. Finally, I dragged my ass out of bed this morning in time for my second 8 a.m. shift of the weekend, to discover that Teresa was still gone. Which means that yes, she went home for the weekend without telling me and left me with a massive mess to clean up, never mind the fact that I did all the work to prepare for it as well. We are going to have a serious talk when she gets back, let me tell you.

Can just one thing happen to redeem this wreck of a weekend? Please?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Oh hey.

Haven't been here in a little while. It's kind of hard to keep up the blogging habit when there are a million other things to worry about, although that's really no excuse, since the shit really only started hitting the fan in the past couple of weeks.

Anyway. I'm sitting here at work; I'm on the desk staff at my old dorm. Normally I really like this job; it's pretty much the cushiest way to earn money that I've ever heard of. I basically get paid to draw and do my homework.


This weekend is fall break, and let me tell you, my plan for this morning was NOT to be working an 8-noon shift. My plan was to sleep in and then go to the last outdoor farmer's market of the season. But yesterday afternoon I got a call from my boss, and basically, the upshot was, nobody else could or was willing to take this shift that someone had asked off at the last minute. He called me because I was already taking shifts for two different people this weekend (one of which was another 8-noon shift on Sunday), so he knew I would be in town.

I took the shift because it seemed like I kind of had no choice. But this whole situation pisses me off. Number one, I already took two extra shifts this weekend; why should I have to take this one too just so other people can relax? Number two, why did that dude wait until the last minute to ask off for this shift? And he didn't really "ask off"; what he did was send out a message to the other staff saying "I will be gone this day and time and I need someone to cover my shift."

Personally, I think if you can't be buggered to plan ahead for the vacation time that you want, you need to buck up and not go on vacation. It's your own damn fault if nobody can cover your shift; most people who were going to be gone over this break planned their shift changes weeks ago. Instead, this guy decides he's going to just leave and let the rest of us take care of his problem for us. That's not cool.

tl;dr: I get to work 8-noon both days this weekend because one of my coworkers is lazy and couldn't get his shit together.